Thursday, November 22, 2007

Twenty-two Days

In the process of cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for my In-Laws, the wounded count as:

1) Espresso Machine that now trips its GFI plug AND the circuit breaker
2) Clogged kitchen sink drain
3) Stove exhaust fan turning itself on and off at will
4) One kitchen drawer front forcibly removed
5) One self-shattering Pyrex pie plate (see Day Seventeen)

Not bad...


wlhagan3 said...

1. Faulty GFI receptacle (outlet). Replace.

2. Clogged sink? Run disposal? Buy a plunger?

3. Some fans have heat sensors that trigger them on/off.

4. Wouldn't open? Sounds like it is binding. Check glides and rails.

5. Next time don't set directly on hot burner. Buy new pie plate.

Anonymous said...


nice. t-day dinner's simply not complete w/o something/s rendered useless (dishes, digestive systems, brains, etc.)...